Acrylic sealer is great for decorative concrete but if you are talking about sealing regular concrete, then nothing beats our penetrating hydrophobic sealer. Not only is it inexpensive to install, but it is quick and easy as well.After a good pressure washing (and maybe a bit of our concrete cleaning solution) your concrete is prepped and ready to be sealed.
After utilizing this sealer for the last three years, I’ve been extremely impressed with how well our sealer works. The concrete that we’ve sealed with our penetrating sealer continues to stay cleaner and look better than nearby unsealed concrete.
We cleaned and sealed a driveway a couple of years ago where there was problem of walnut trees in the neighborhood (the driveway was always extremely dirty looking from fallen walnuts on the surface). To this day, the driveway stays clean looking becuase of the fact that dirt cannot get down into the concrete capillaries to stain it up (unlike the rest of the driveways in the area).
Contact us today for more info on our hydrophobic penetrating sealer!